Tag Archives: Native American

Powhatan land acknowledgement

Before COVID-19 arrived in the US and prompted social distancing, self-quarantines, business closures, and event cancellations, I was scheduled to spend today moderating a conference panel at the Virginia Forum in Richmond. The three panelists would have been speaking about … Continue reading

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Native media responds to Trump

I sometimes think I should just stop being surprised and/or appalled by anything Donald Trump says or does, but more often I hope I never stop being shocked and horrified by how awful he is. Yesterday I managed to ignore … Continue reading

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The trial of “an Indyan called Nangenutch or Will”

Although I haven’t posted about it here, I have been working on an essay that I think is about ready for some additional readers (one is already checking it out, another two are lined up and will see it probably … Continue reading

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Positive reinforcement

Just the other day, FedEx dropped off a lovely envelope from Early American Studies, and inside were copies to EAS 13.3, where my first full-length article appears. I last wrote about this project when submitting the piece–I held off updates when … Continue reading

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Feds recognize Pamunkey Indians of Virginia

I spent the last couple of weeks in Washington, D.C., and they turned out to be fairly momentous. There were landmark Supreme Court decisions on the Affordable Care Act and gay marriage, but there was also a much quieter announcement … Continue reading

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Teaching research methods

This semester I’m teaching a section of History 298: History Practicum, the second half of a two-course methods sequence for our majors. In the first half of the sequence, we focused more on historiography, and students finished the semester by … Continue reading

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Delaware Indians on Pennsylvania’s colonial roads

It seems that I promised way way back in the day (okay, February) that I’d share any updates on the Pennsylvania rivers/roads project, not just to provide more fodder for students to give me a hard time about how much … Continue reading

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American slavery, Indian lands: on money and marginalization

This is not actually a post about slavery, or really about Ed Baptist‘s The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism, though indeed that’s where this train of thought begins. Rather, it’s about the study … Continue reading

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Cuisine as cultural resource

  Teaching Native American history and trying to keep up with news about American Indians today, it seems like I see tons of stories like this one (and certainly this type of coverage is more visible to many of my … Continue reading

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I don’t always read for pleasure…

…but when I do, it’s still about Indians. Sometimes, anyway, though the two most recent were. Sort of. If you haven’t read any of Sherman Alexie‘s work, get on it (or, better yet, listen to an audio version that he … Continue reading

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